Wij doen

What we do

Completed projects


The ‘Kunstverleners’ (Artists)

What: Office 365 installation
When: 10/2014 – 2015 – 11/2016

After first contact with the chairman of iCT4Free, Elger van der Avoird, the IT wishes of our foundation were carefully registered. His colleague Wouter Schutten later joined us for our IT evenings. With great analytical skill, care and patience, Wouter mapped out the required activities.

And this was quite a lot. It soon became clear, for example, that we would not fit within the framework of any CRM system, because we deal with many more parties. Wouter eventually advised to go for the new Office 365 non-profit, which is designed to make IT tasks for organizations as simple as possible. This turned out to be the best solution, and he helped us to get it donated through TECHSOUP.NL.

We - the Kunstverleners - are a small organisation and work at different locations. Not only do we use the installed office software, but we also have remote access to our secure online environment thanks to the shared availability of the cloud. We can even work from our own smartphone, laptop and tablet.

After everything was correctly arranged, we can focus more on our objectives. If there are any adjustments, changes or problems, we can solve them ourselves in the management portal. Fortunately, Wouter has drawn up a number of clear manuals for our specific situation.

Donations via iCT4Free
Wouter Schutten, who was mentioned earlier and one of the enthusiastic and professional volunteers who already means so much to our ICT solutions, also worked with his iCT4Free colleagues to ensure that two suitable computers were donated from their network via 3rd parties! We would like to thank him, Arwin Visser, Ricardo Silva, Elger van der Avoird, the colleagues and the companies that donated them for this!

The foundation De Kunstverleners aims to make a positive contribution to the quality of life of people who are dependent on care, through art and art practice.
Would you like to know what we can do with this great iCT4Free support?
Check out our site www.dekunstverleners.nl